While hand-sanding some floors on the second story of the house, between 8-9p.m., we heard a loud crashing noise. Immediately we ran down stairs and checked the barn, thinking an animal was causing some ruckus. When nothing seemed out of place, we were stumped … and looked around in confusion.
We noticed a car had pulled off the road just past our home. A passerby was emerging from the vehicle yelling for someone to call 911. It was then we noticed a van on the other side of the road. It had careened off the road, over a metal guard rail and cement posts, down the embankment and landed on its side, face down in the brook – practically in our lawn.
We called 911.
Eric climbed down into the brook to try to determine who was in the van and what condition they were in.
One male. He was talking. That was a relief. But we knew he had to be pretty banged up. Neighbors started to gather. We kept him talking until the rescue team arrived.

It was a relief to see the professionals on the scene and we were impressed with the manner and speed in which the they worked. It makes us feel a bit safer knowing how quick they were to respond.
Finally, the rescue team was able to free the man by cutting out the windshield of the van. While moving the victim to the ambulance, he cried out for his dog.
A dog?! In that van? We hoped for the best.
Minutes later a fireman emerged from the vehicle holding a Springer Spaniel … seemingly in good condition. The rescue team gave the frightened, shaking dog a good once-over and determined it had no major injuries. We happily took her into the house and gave her some TLC. She stayed with us overnight, until the Lancaster Animal Control Officer came to fetch her this morning.

We still don’t know the dog’s name, but enjoyed our time with her and know that she and her master are both very lucky to be pulled from wreck alive.